The Council of State met in the Council Room of the Royal Palace of Caserta.


The Council Room is available through the Throne Room. The fresco represents “Pallas rewarding the Arts and Sciences by means of genius and glory”, executed by Giuseppe Cammarano, in 1814. Three paintings can be seen:

  • Raffaele Postiglione – “Repudiation of Agar”;
  • Cavalier de Vivo – “the gypsy who predicts to Felice Ferretti the ascension to the Pontificate with the name of Sisto V” ;
  • Francesco Oliva (1807-1861) – “Cornelia mother of the Gracchi”

In the centre, the mid-19th century table-sculpture which was once enriched by porcelain plaques painted by Raffaele Giovine, stolen during the Second World War. It was donated by the city of Naples to King Francis II on the occasion of his wedding in 1859 with Maria Sofia of Bavaria.

The Room

The fresco

Francesco Oliva (1807-1861) – “Cornelia mother of the Gracchi”

Pierre-Philippe Thomire – Gilt bronze clock

Neo-baroque table


Detail of a silk-covered wall amde with San Leucio’s silk

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