Is the Royal Palace of Caserta or that of Venaria larger?

Is the Royal Palace of Caserta really the largest in the world and, therefore, much larger than the Royal Palace of Venaria?

The Royal Palace of Venaria

Plan of Venaria. At the bottom right is the Large Gallery (approximately 80m)

Comparison in plan

The Royal Palace of Caserta is said to be the largest in the world and, therefore, much larger than the Royal Palace of Venaria. But it’s true?The two plans were reduced in proportion based on the width of the Royal Palace of Caserta (247m) comparing it to the width of the Great Gallery of the Royal Palace of Venaria (approximately 80m). From here the two plants were reduced in proportion. We can actually confirm that the Royal Palace of Caserta is much larger than Venaria. Furthermore, numerous areas of the Venaria building are much lower in height than the Gallery towers.

Overlay of the plans of the two buildings. In red is the palace of Venaria

Overlay of the plans of the two buildings. In red is the palace of Venaria

Height comparison

only the portion of the Galleria Grande of Venaria has been included for the sole purpose of evaluating the difference in height compared to the Royal Palace of Caserta. It should also be added that the Royal Palace of Caserta also has two underground floors, so the difference is even greater and, furthermore, the towers of the Galleria Grande di Venaria are the highest point of the structure which in many parts is much lower.

Many parts of Venaria are low in height (note the people), much lower than the Grand Gallery

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