The Hall of the Halberdiers in Vanvitelli’s projects the salon is named as:
“Hall of the Halberdiers, with adjoining rooms for the sergeant, and other officer, path by fire, and any other necessary comfort”.
In 1799 it was probably referred to as “Hall of the Grooms”, next to which there must have been wooden nooks for sleeping. Later the room had to assume the use wanted by Vanvitelli, due to the royal guards who lined up there.
Auth. Maria Carmela Masi
The fresco by Domenico Mondo placed in the center of the vault represents the Triumph of Bourbon arms. The composition is dominated by the shield with the king’s arms supported by the royal virtues Justice, Clemency and Fortitude and dominated by Fame. Below Hercules, symbol of the Farnese family and legendary ancestor of Charles of Bourbon, drives away and overthrows vices.
The walls of the room have Mondragone marble frames.
The windows above accentuate the brightness of the environment, and are interspersed with festoons held up by shells.
The Hall was completed in 1787 with the insertion of the eight busts positioned on the doors (by Tommaso Bucciano) and with the trophies of weapons on lion heads placed on the walls (by Angiolo Brunelli).
The busts represent the Liberal Arts: Astronomy, Poetry, Mathematics etc. He has robes with large drapery and is placed on a pedestal inside a niche surrounded by a golden festoon.
In the Hall of the Halberdiers there are busts of four Queens are placed on the neoclassical consoles:
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