Collection of interior decorations including...

FULL TITLE: "Collection of interior decorations: including everything relating to furnishing: such as vases, tripods, candelabras, cassolettes, chandeliers, girandoles, lamps, candlesticks, fireplaces, fires, stoves, clocks, tables, secretaries, beds, sofas, armchairs, chairs, stools, mirrors, screens, etc. etc.

ORIGINAL TITLE "Recueil des décorations intérieures : comprenant tout ce qui a rapport a l'ameublement : comme vases, trépieds, candélabres, cassolettes, lustres, girandoles, lampes, chandeliers, cheminées, feux, poêles, pendules, tables, secrétaires, lits, canapés, fauteuils, chaises, tabourets, miroirs, écrans, etc. etc. etc."

Charles Percier and Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine were two famous architects in the service of Napoleon Bonaparte, known for having created the Empire style. Their collaboration led to the creation of numerous architectural masterpieces that represent the elegance and grandeur of the Napoleonic era.

One of the books that demonstrates the influence of Percier and Fontaine in the development of the Empire style is a reference work for lovers of architecture and art history. Through detailed illustrations and descriptions, the book presents a wide range of projects created by architects for Napoleon, including palaces, monuments and furnishings.

The works of Percier and Fontaine are distinguished by their majestic and regal aesthetic, characterized by clean lines, perfect symmetry and rich decoration. The Empire style is inspired by classical antiquity, with influences from Greek and Roman art. The architects were able to reinterpret these elements in a modern way, creating a unique architectural language that embodied the power and grandeur of the French Empire.

Through their work, Percier and Fontaine helped define the aesthetics of the Napoleonic era and left an indelible mark on the history of architecture. Their designs are still admired and studied today, testifying to their importance and influence in the fields of architecture and design.

Opera di Charles Percier & P. F. L. Fontaine (?). Pubblicato nel 1798 - Parigi

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