Is the Royal Palace of Caserta or Schönbrunn bigger?

Is the Royal Palace of Caserta really the largest in the world and, therefore, much larger even than the Schönbrunn Palace?

Schönbrunn Palace

Plan of Schönbrunn. The yellow area is the Great Gallery (43m)

Comparison in plan

Caserta Palace is said to be the largest in the world and has already been proven to be much larger than Versailles, so is it much larger than Schönbrunn Palace? But it’s true?

The two plans have been reduced in proportion based on the data of the width of the Royal Palace of Caserta (247m) comparing it to the width of the Great Gallery of Schönbrunn (43m). From here the two plants have been reduced in proportion. We can actually confirm that Caserta Palace is much bigger than Schönbrunn.

Overlapping the plans of the two buildings. In red is the Great Gallery of Schönbrunn

Top view with the two superimposed Palaces.

Height comparison

only the central portion of the Schönbrunn Palace has been inserted for the sole purpose of evaluating the difference in height compared to the Caserta Palace, therefore the lateral buildings have been excluded since those of the Caserta Palace are not visible in the photo.

It should also be added that the Royal Palace of Caserta also has two underground floors, so the difference is even greater

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