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Explore the website

This is the most complete website on the Royal Palace of Caserta ever despite the 404 error!

Reggia di Caserta scalone d onore vista frontale. Una delle opere più copiate del Palazzo Reale di Caserta


Discover the architecture of the Palace, the Grand Staircase and the stupendous interiors of the Halls of the Reggia, the Palatine Chapel, the Court Theater.

fontane parco della Reggia di Caserta fontana cascata diana e atteone statue sculture - fountains park of the palace of caserta waterfall fountain diana and actaeon statues sculptures

The park

Discover the Royal Park with its Fountains. Don't miss the Carolino Aqueduct, the Belvedere of San Leucio and the Oasis of San Silvestro.

Reggia di Caserta sala del trono affresco soffitto impero cerimonia della posa della prima pietra


Discover the life of the architect, the history of the Royal Palace of Caserta and of the Bourbons. Read ancient documents online.

dettaglio del comò nello studio del re della Reggia di Caserta

Collections and Art

The Terrae Motus collection of antiques and modern art. History of art and antiques.

Reggia di Caserta film the great - movies shot in the royal palace of caserta

Movies and Videos

The films shot in the Royal Palace of Caserta. Watch vintage footage, documentaries etc shot at the Palazzo.

Reggia di Caserta visita virtuale del parco logo pagina indice (ENG: virtual tour of the interiors of the royal park of caserta)

Virtual visit

Discover in a 360° virtual way the interiors and the Park of the Royal Palace of Caserta

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